The CSC’s Response to the Task Force on Segregation
-- A Study in Resistance
The report of the Task Force was filed with the Commissioner of Corrections
at the end of March 1997. Task Force members expected that the report
would then be made public; it was not, and the reason given was that it
was necessary to brief the Solicitor General on the report prior to its
public release. In late April, before this could be done, the federal
government called an election, and Ottawa went into full election gear.
The release of the Task Force Report was
put off until after the election would be completed and a new cabinet
sworn in. That new cabinet involved a shuffle, with the position of Solicitor
General being assigned to Andy Scott. Task Force members were advised
that the release of the report would have to await briefings of the new
minister. Those briefings, which included a separate briefing on the government’s
response to the Arbour Report, came and went, but the Task Force Report
was still not released. Although there was no formal communication between
Commissioner Ingstrup and the Task Force regarding the report’s recommendations,
external members received the clear message that there was serious resistance,
tantamount to rejection, at the senior management level to the recommended
experiment with independent adjudication.
The reasons for non-publication of the Report became increasingly clear
to me and other external members of the Task Force and they raised much
larger issues than the diplomatic protocol that the new minister be briefed
prior to any public airing of the Report. We were informed that while
certain of the recommendations of the Task Force were accepted by the
commissioner and EXCOM, including development of an enhanced internal
segregation review process and the establishment of an Aboriginal pilot
project to develop alternatives to segregation, other key recommendations
were met with scepticism; this was particularly the case with respect
to the recommendation that there be an experiment with independent adjudication.
The Commissioner himself viewed this recommendation as one which could
undermine the accountability of the warden and asked one of his senior
managers to prepare an "options paper," to review alternatives to independent
adjudication which left the chain of accountability of the warden intact.
Remarkably, this options paper was developed without any input from any
member of the Task Force, including those the CSC’s members at National
Headquarters who had been most involved in the drafting of the Report,
and who were therefore most familiar with the thinking that went into
the Task Force recommendation on the experiment with independent adjudication.
Although there was no formal written communication between the commissioner
and members of the Task Force setting out which recommendations were being
accepted, rejected or put over for further study, the message was clearly
communicated in a variety of ways to the external members of the Task
Force, that at the senior management level there was resistance, tantamount
to rejection, of the recommendation that there be an experiment with independent
During the months after the completion of the Task Force Report, as
the external members became aware of the extent of the resistance to any
experiment with independent adjudication, I found myself becoming increasingly
sceptical about the extent of the CSC’s commitment to changes in its corporate
culture. After all, Madam Justice Arbour had unambiguously recommended
either judicial supervision or independent adjudication of segregation
decisions. She had not talked about experimentation, but full scale implementation
of what she believed to be a necessary means to ensure compliance with
the law. The Task Force proposed a more limited measure of experimenting
with independent adjudication in conjunction with the CSC’s own efforts
to improve its internal procedures, in order to arrive at the best blend
of internal and external review. Yet the CSC balked even at the idea of
experimentation. It thus became clear that the real reason why the Report
was not being published and distributed was because of the strong case
it made for an experiment with independent adjudication that was not welcome
at the highest levels of senior management.
Eventually, I obtained a copy of the "options paper." It was sent to
me with a covering note that simply stated "Read it and weep." The paper
criticised the Task Force’s recommendation that there be an experiment
with independent adjudication on several grounds. The first of these related
to the "legitimacy" of such an experiment:
With regard to adjudication of the segregation decision,
the Task Force urges us to move quickly to experiment with the model of
independent adjudication in order to evaluate its utility in improving
fairness and in its operation impact. The first point that should be raised
perhaps is the legitimacy of such an experiment. The Task Force proposes
evaluation criteria: greater fairness, value added by the independent
adjudicator over CSC staff independent review, greater protection of rights,
and less use of segregation, among others. However, the integrity of any
such evaluation must be debated, given the antecedents of the independent
adjudicator model. As noted earlier, the concept seems predicated on avoiding
or mitigating the inevitable and inescapable bias of CSC staff to which
their own "vested interests," and "institutional convenience of politics";
as well as the fact that such pressures are so great as to undermine the
ability of CSC staff to act fairly or to be seen as doing so. With such
philosophical underpinnings, is the outcome of any evaluation of independent
adjudication in any serious doubt? Is more than one outcome possible?
It is difficult, if not impossible, to provide an empirical test of a
value-based position; values are just that. It should be acknowledged
candidly that there is little experiment or evaluation here. What is in
fact under review is phased introduction. (Undated CSC document, Segregation
Review -- Adjudication Option at 3-4)
There is indeed a body of opinion, to which both I and the other external
members of the Task Force subscribed (as did the external stakeholders
with whom the Task Force consulted) that independent adjudication is necessary
to remove both the apprehension and prejudicial effect of institutional
bias. We would argue that this does not require an experiment to prove;
it is the foundation of our legal system, it underlies the cardinal importance
of an independent judiciary and it receives its clearest expression in
principles of administrative law. However, the CSC members of the Task
Force argued that with better training in legal principle and process
and through the enhanced internal segregation review, chairpersons of
Segregation Review Boards, duly certified, would be able to recognise
the potential prejudicial impact of bias and guard against it, at least
sufficiently to refute any allegations of unfairness. One of the purposes
of the experiment with independent adjudication, occurring concurrently
with the enhancement of the internal review process, would be to evaluate
empirically these arguments. It would appear that the writer of the options
paper had already concluded that independent adjudication would clearly
emerge as a better guardian of the important principle of unbiased decision
making. That however is hardly a good reason for not engaging in the experiment,
unless of course the verdict is one that the CSC would not be prepared
to accept. Page 1 of 5