
location: publications

books 02.1

Justice behind the Walls

In 1777, John Howard, the pre-eminent prison reformer of his generation, published The State of the Prisons in England and Wales, an indictment of the cruelty of prison life and a blueprint for radical change. Over two centuries later, Michael Jackson, Queen's Counsel, law professor and human rights advocate, gives us Justice behind the Walls, a compelling, compassionate and at times harrowing account of the state of justice in Canadian prisons... more background

Hardcover book published by:
ISBN: 155 054 893X

books 02.2

Prisoners of Isolation: Solitary Confinement in Canada

First published in 1983, Prisoners of Isolation charts the history of the penitentiary as an institution of punishment, the role of solitary confinement as the centre-piece of penitentiary discipline, first in Europe, then in America, and the influence of this history on the Canadian penitentiary... more background