

location: news

September 05, 2003


www.justicebehindthewalls.net brings you a link to the webcast from the August 10, 2003 Vancouver memorial event for Prison Justice Day, a day set aside to remember all the men and women who have died unnatural deaths inside Canadian prisons.

What started as a one time event behind the walls of one prison has become a national day of solidarity. On this day, prisoners across the country fast, refuse to work, and remain in their cells, while supporters organize community events to draw attention to the conditions inside of prisons.

This year activists are focusing on the situation of women in prison. The Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) is currently conducting a systemic review of federally sentenced women inside Canadian prisons. The complaint was filed in 2001 and is looking at discrimination against women in prison based on sex, race and disability. The complaint has the support of numerous organizations across the country as well as Amnesty International.

Click here to view the webcast

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