
location: publications / books / Justice Behind the Walls / Sector 4 / Chapter 3 The Arbour Report: The Indictment of a System / The Board of Investigation

The Board of Investigation

Following the events of April 22, a National Board of Investigation was appointed by the commissioner to examine the events and circumstances surrounding the incident and its aftermath. Its report was ultimately released in January, 1995. Madam Justice Arbour was critical of the fact-finding of the Board of Inquiry and their failure to consider the whole of the videotape. She found that there were "serious and misleading errors," in the Board’s report, in particular "the misdescription of the strip search [was] extremely serious in that it conveys to the uninformed reader a totally inaccurate impression of what took place. That combined with the statement to the effect that inmates were supplied with a mattress and a security blanket after the IERT attendance, conveyed the description of the situation that there is little resemblance to the sparse reality." ( Arbour at 117).

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